Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Pudgy Wrestler Welcomes You!

Okay. This is the first post and I'm already unsure of what I'm going to write. Actually, that's not entirely true. I've been thinking about it for the past couple of hours and I kinda' have an idea of what I want to do with this blog. But, before I get to that let me tell you a little about myself.

I'm 36 years old. 5'8 inches tall. 245lbs. That's right - 245. I'm what you would consider fat obese. And trust me when I say that 245 is actually a good thing right now. Earlier this year I was up to 278lbs. That's the heaviest I've ever been. I plan to never to be that heavy again.

For those of you who don't know, life at 278lb sucks. Everything hurts. The tiniest of efforts leads to aches and pains. And sweat is just a natural part of your day. It's unhealthy and a self esteem killer. Everywhere you go you wish you weren't seen, but of course that's impossible since your ass is 278lbs.

I intend to change all that. I'm already on my way. I wish I would have started this blog earlier, when I was at almost 280lbs, but there's still a lot of weight to work off so there will be more than enough information to share as I move toward my objective.

200lbs? 180lbs? 160lbs?! I hope so.

What I intend to do is walk everyone through my weight loss endeavour. I'll be as honest as I possibly can and I'll disclose everything I do in my attempt to loose my rather large gut. Hopefully, this rather slow waddling journey will help some reach their goal just a bit faster and with less difficulty.

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